Monday 30 January 2012

David Collins - Cancer Campaigns Ambassador and a Real Inspiration

I've mentioned my fellow CRUK Ambassadors several times in this blog. I'm getting to know them slowly, and as time goes on I find them more and more inspirational. However a year ago I didn't know anything about them. It wasn't until a fellow ambassador created a facebook group for us all that we started to bond, share ideas and support each other. 

David Collins is a husband, father and grandfather. He was bought up in a small corner shop and is a one time rugby player. He is dyslexic but definitely not stupid. In fact David is one of the most creative and intelligent people I have the pleasure of knowing. He provides so much support and advice for us ambassadors that I really wanted to showcase him here and allow people to read about how inspirational he is.

David tells me he gets bored easily so he has changed jobs often. Since 1970 he has been a police officer, a youth sports coach, Driving instructor, wedding photographer, security manager and a karaoke disco roadie to name just a few.

David says: "I consider myself to be extremely lucky to have lived a life which has allowed me to: see at first hand both the evil and the good in people. Watch people die, watch babies be born, watch people people sink to the depths of despair and see people crawl out of the gutter and soar like an eagle.

I would like to be a Councillor/MP before I die. I don't support the right or left, just the right or wrong."

Why is David an Ambassador?
"Like most people, I have lost friends and family to cancer but it is more then that. I believe we can all make a difference in this world. My philosophy is 'if you can't do everything, do something'
I believe in the 'starfish story' but I also know from experience that even the most insignificant act can have an effect on people.
In the film "It's A Wonderful Life", Clarence the angel shows George Bailey how the things he did in life affect the people around him. Things that meant so much to other and he wasn't aware of.
My "Clarence" appeared in the form of my daughter who a  few years ago  asked if I knew a lad she had been talking to in a night club. She said he wanted her to tell me that he was now married with two children and had his own business. He told her to tell me he would always be grateful to me for what I did when he was sixteen.  I had absolutely no idea who he was or what I had done.  It was only after racking my brains that I remembered. He had been a member of a school rugby team I had been coaching. One day I had gone to the Cells at the Police station to find he had been arrested for shoplifting. His Mother and Father had divorced and he had been placed in a local Children's home and got into a bad crowd. I arranged for him to join the local Rugby club and picked him up from the children's home a couple of times til he got to know his new team mates. I never saw the lad again and had not given the incident another thought until my  daughter mentioned it. That insignificant act on my part had a profound effect on the lad. And I have to tell you I feel pretty good about it. The only difference between me and everyone else who helps people out occasionally, is that I became aware of the end result.
There is a theory that says if a Butterfly flaps it's wings in the Amazon It can start a chain of events that cause a hurricane in the Atlantic . So why do I Volunteer as an Ambassador? It's simple really, it gives me a platform to speak to the decision makers in this world. But it also allows me to find Butterflies like you, and Dawn and the other Ambassadors, because I know If I blown on your wings it will encourage you to fly, and the more butterflies I can blow on the bigger the wind of change will be."

David's Advice to Campaigners
"When discussing an issue with someone who opposes you, don't worry about what they think of you. It's the people listening in silence to the conversation or debate that matter."

I wanted to feature David on this blog to inspire people. I almost cried when reading the bio he sent me. I really do think he is an amazing man with an amazing philosophy. I realised that I also want to make my mark on this world. Leave it a better place. I want someone to come up to my future children and tell them their mum changed their life. Having got to know David, I also would like to be a thorough as he is (no one does as much research as David) and I would also like to be as friendly and kind. He supports every single ambassador and has time for us all. He is almost like our unspoken leader.

If you are a campaigner or are thinking of becoming one then I hope this interview has left you inspired. I hope it has given you the courage to work hard to make a difference.

If you are a cancer sufferer or a loved one supporting someone through their battle then I want you to know that there are people like David fighting your corner with all their might. They will help you, they will comfort you and they will fight like hell for you.


To read about the Starfish Story please click here 

Follow David on Twitter @camtia

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